Honor System Working Group (2015-2016)

The honor system working group was created at the initiative of the faculty senate in Spring 2015, in cooperation with the student association, the honor council, and the dean of undergraduates. This initiative followed from concerns presented by a group of faculty who, based on their recent experiences, reported loss of confidence in students’ adherence to the honor code and in the honor council’s processes for adjudication.


  • Alex Byrd, co-chair
  • John Hutchinson, co-chair
  • Gwen Bradford
  • Alex Metcalf
  • Ric Stoll
  • Junghae Suh
  • Kristin Sweeney
  • Kaleb Underwood
  • Don Ostdiek, ex officio 

The working group's final report and recommendations can be found on the faculty wiki, available with NetID.