All Approved Proposals
Proposals are listed in chronological order, with most recent approvals listed first.
Proposal for a Minor in Teaching (approved November 20, 2024)
Proposal to change the Biosciences BA-MS-PhD to BS-MS-PhD (approved November 20, 2024)
Proposal for a Minor in Operations Research (approved March 27, 2024)
Proposal for a Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Operations Research (approved March 27, 2024)
Proposal for two new Major Concentrations within the Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Asian Studies (approved March 27, 2024)
Proposal for a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (approved January 24, 2024)
Proposal for a Minor in Theatre (approved November 29, 2023)
Proposal to Eliminate the Certificate in Language and Intercultural Communication in Russian (approved November 29, 2023)
Proposal to Change VADA Major to a Major in Art with No Concentrations (approved April 26, 2023)
Proposal for a Minor in English (approved April 26, 2023)
Proposal for a Bachelor of Science degree with a Major in Neuroscience (approved March 8, 2023)
Proposal to Eliminate the Certificate in Language and Intercultural Communication in Hindi (approved March 8, 2023)
Proposal for a Minor in Creative Writing (approved February 1, 2023)
Proposal for a Minor in Science and Technology Studies (approved October 26, 2022)
Proposal for a Minor in Philosophy (approved September 28, 2022)
Proposal for a Minor in Latin American and Latinx Studies (approved April 20, 2022)
Proposal for a Minor in Astronomy (approved April 20, 2022)
Proposal for a Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Sport Analytics (approved April 20, 2022)
Proposal to change the name of the undergraduate Electrical and Computer Engineering programs (approved February 23, 2022)
Proposal for a Minor in Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality (approved December 1, 2021)
Proposal to change the name of the Latin American studies major to Latin American and Latinx Studies (approved December 1, 2021)
Proposal for an Undergraduate Requirement in Analyzing Diversity (approved April 21, 2021)
Proposal for a Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Managerial Economics and Organizational Sciences (approved April 21, 2021)
Proposal for a Minor in Art History (approved March 24, 2021)
Proposal for a Minor in Greek Language and Literature (approved March 24, 2021)
Proposal for a Minor in Latin Language and Literature (approved March 24, 2021)
Proposal for a Minor in Classical Civilizations (approved March 24, 2021)
Proposal for a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Operations Research (approved March 24, 2021)
Proposal for a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Business (approved February 22, 2021)
Proposal for a Minor in French Studies (approved November 18, 2020)
Proposal for a Minor in German Studies (approved November 18, 2020)
Proposal for a Minor in Transnational Asian Studies (approved November 18, 2020)
Proposal for a Minor in Spanish and Portuguese (approved November 18, 2020)
Proposal for a Minor in Entrepreneurship (approved April 22, 2020)
Proposal for a Minor in Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences (approved March 25, 2020)
Proposal to change the name of Earth Science major to Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences and realign areas of specialiation (approved March 25, 2020)
Proposal for a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Statistics (approved March 25, 2020)
Proposal for an Interdisciplinary Minor in African and African American Studies (approved March 25, 2020)
Proposal for a Minor in History (approved February 19, 2020)
Proposal for a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a Major in Biosciences (approved January 29, 2020)
Proposal for Majors in Health Sciences and in Sports Medicine and Exercise Physiology (approved November 20, 2019)
Proposal for a Minor in Medieval and Early Modern Studies (approved November 20, 2019)
Proposal for updates to the Certificates in Intercultural Language and Communication (April 17, 2019)
Proposal for a Minor in Religion (approved March 20, 2019)
Proposal for a Minor in Data Science (approved February 20, 2019)
Proposal for a Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree with a Major in European Studies (approved March 21, 2018)
Proposal for a Bachelor of Arts Program with a Major in Neuroscience (approved Nov. 15, 2017)
Proposal for a Major in Social Policy Analysis (B.A. degree),(approved April 19, 2017)
Proposal to eliminate Policy Studies (approved April 19, 2017)
Proposal for a Minor in Museums and Cultural Heritage (approved March 29, 2017)
Proposal for a Department of English Major Concentration (optional) --English Major with a Major Concentration in Creative Writing (approved by the CUC March 10, 2017)
Proposal for a Minor in Engineering Design (approved Oct. 5, 2016)
Proposal for a Minor in Cinema and Media Studies (approved Oct. 5, 2016)
Proposed departmental name change to Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies (approved Sept.7, 2016)
Proposal for a Minor in Medical Humanities (approved April 20, 2016)
Proposal for a Minor in Physics (approved April 20, 2016)
Proposal for B.A. and B.S. in Environmental Science (approved April 20, 2016)
Proposal for Major Concentrations in the Sport Management B.A. (approved Feb. 24, 2016)
Proposal for an Undergraduate Certificate in Languages and Intercultural Communication (approved Feb. 24, 2016)
Proposal for a Department of History International Concentration (approved March 2015)
Proposal for a Minor in Environmental Studies (approved March 25, 2015)
Proposal for a Minor in Politics, Law, and Social Thought (approved Feb. 25, 2015)
Proposal for an Engineering Leadership Certificate (RCEL), approved Oct. 1, 2014)
Proposal for a Certificate in Civic Leadership (approved April 23, 2014)
Proposal for a B.S. in Materials Science and NanoEngineering (BSMSNE) approved April 23, 2014
Proposed Guidelines for Credit for Study Away from Rice (approved March 26, 2014)
Proposal for a Bachelor of Science, Mathematics (approved Feb. 26, 2014)
Proposal for a Major in Medieval and Early Modern Studies (approved Jan. 29, 2014)
Proposal for a Minor in Naval Sciences (approved October 16, 2013)
Proposal for a Minor in Neurosciences (approved Jan. 30, 2013)
Resolution regarding edX (Approved January 30, 2013)
Resolution regarding the creation of online degree programs (approved Dec. 5, 2012)
Proposal for a Latin American Studies major (approved March 28, 2012)
Motions to establish a Program in Writing and Communication (approved November 30, 2011) Also see: Working Group Report and Recommendations, dated November 28, 2011
Proposal for a Minor in Mathematics (approved Feb. 23, 2011)
Proposal from the Working Group on Communication in the Curriculum (approved Dec. 8, 2010)
Proposal from the Brown Teaching Awards Subcommittee of the Working Group on Teaching (endorsed Dec. 8, 2010)
Proposal for a Minor in Statistics (approved October 6, 2010)
Proposal for a Minor in Anthropology (adopted Jan. 27, 2010)
Proposal for a Minor in African Studies (adopted Jan. 27, 2010)
Proposed Biosciences Curriculum Revision (adopted Jan. 27, 2010)
Proposal for a Minor in Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities (adopted April 15, 2009)
Proposal for a Minor in Computational and Applied Mathematics (Nov. 8, 2008)
Proposal for a Minor in Energy and Water Sustainability (adopted March 11, 2009)
Proposal for a Minor in Jewish Studies (adopted Feb. 18, 2009)
Proposal for a B.A. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (adopted Dec. 3, 2008)
Proposed Resolution on Sport Management and the Department of Kinesiology (adopted May 5, 2008)
Proposal for a B.A. in Sport Management (adopted May 5, 2008)
Proposal for a Minor in Global Health Technologies (adopted February 20, 2008)
Proposal for a Minor in Business (approved May 2, 2007)
Proposal for a Minor in Sociology (2007)
Proposal for a Minor in Financial Computation and Modeling (approved January 24, 2007)
Fall 2025, Spring 2026, and Summer 2026 Academic Calendars (approved August 23, 2023)
General Announcements Text for Posthumous Undergraduate Degrees (approved April 26, 2023)
Guidelines and Procedures for Credit by Departmental Exam (approved April 26, 2023)
Proposal to make Election Day 2024 a non-instructional Civic Engagement day (approved February 1, 2023)
Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025 Academic Calendars (approved August 24, 2022)
Endorsements of the 2020-2021 General Education Working Group Report Recommendations (approved December 1, 2021)
Update to Spring 2024 academic calendar (solar eclipse day) (approved December 1, 2021)
2023-2024 Academic Calendar (approved September 1, 2021, see updated Spring calendar on registrar's page)
Requirements for the Creation, Modification, Oversight, and Elimination of Credentialed Undergraduate Academic Programs at Rice University (approved April 21, 2021)
Academic Accommodations for Spring 2021 (approved January 27, 2021)
Academic Accommodations for Fall 2020 (approved November 18, 2020)
Motion to modify Distinction in Research and Creative Work (approved September 2, 2020)
Additional Academic Relief for Spring 2020 (approved April 22, 2020)
Graduation Accomodations due to Spring 2020 Course Disruptions (approved March 25, 2020)
Academic Relief for Spring 2020 (approved March 25, 2020)
Update to academic calendar methodology (approved October 23, 2019)
Scheduling and absences related to university-sponsored events (approved February 20, 2019)
Academic Calendar 2020-2021 (approved November 14, 2018)
Audit Designation Deadline (approved November 14, 2018)
Revision to the GA regarding Non-Traditional Coursework (approved Feb. 21, 2018)
Addition to the GA regarding exisiting Drop-Back Provision for Select MATH/CHEM/PHYS Courses (approved Feb. 21, 2018)
Approved Academic Calendar, 2019 - 2020 (approved September 20, 2017)
Ratification of Executive Committee Summer Action regarding Distribution System (approved September 20, 2017)
Four motions regarding General Education and the Distribution System (approved April 19, 2017); full report HERE.
Digital Education report and addendum (approved April 19, 2017)
Three motions regarding degree conferrals: add August conferral date, add December plenary, deans endorse lists (approved November 16, 2016) August 31 conferral of degrees, in addition to January and May (approved August 15, 2016)
Credit Hours Cap (approved April 20, 2016)
Honor System Task Force Report (endorsed April 2016)
Distribution Credit: Academic Planning for Distribution Requirements(approved Feb. 24, 2016, superceded April 2017)
Discontinue announcing aloud Latin Honors (approved Nov. 18, 2015)
Academic Calendar, 2017-2018 (approved September 16, 2015)
Language for the General Announcements regarding Non-Traditional Coursework (approved April 22, 2015)
Formation of Working Group to Assess the Honor System (approved April 22, 2015)
Pilot program with IDEA to administer course evaluations (endorsed April 22, 2015)
Scheduling and Absences for University Sponsored Events (approved February 20, 2019)
Spring 2017 Academic Calendar (approved March 25, 2015)
Revision of General Announcements regarding Majors, Minors, and Certificates (approved March 2015)
Revision of General Announcements regarding Course Load and Transfer Credit (approved Feb. 25, 2015)
Three Motions from the Working Group on Grade Inflation (approved March 26, 2014)
Amendment of Transfer Credit Policy (approved March 26, 2014)
Increase transfer credit hours limit (approved February 26, 2014)
Academic Calendar 2015-2016 (approved September 11, 2013)
Hard Cap of 24 Hours per Semester (Approved March 20, 2013)
Academic Calendar 2014-15 (approved September 12, 2012)
Award Latin Honors by School (approved April 4, 2012)
Distinction in Research and Creative Work (approved as amended April 4, 2012)
Change in rules on Pass-Fail within the major (approved as amended March 28, 2012)
Motion to reduce LPAP requirement (approved March 28, 2012)
Academic Calendar 2013-2014 (approved August 31, 2011)
Shift Fall Recess 2012 and rename it "Centennial Celebration Days" (approved April 20, 2011)
Transfer LPAP course approval to Dean of Undergraduates (approved April 20, 2011)
Language for the GA regarding "incomplete" grades (approved March 30, 2011)
Student-Taught Courses (approved March 30, 2011)
Return after suspension: fall or spring semester (approved March 30, 2011)
Spring semester drop deadline (approved Dec. 8, 2010)
Academic Calendar 2012-2013 (approved Sept. 15, 2010)
Readmission after Suspension: Fall Semester (approved March 31, 2010)
Change in Graduation Date of Record (approved Jan. 27, 2010)
Readmission after Suspension: Spring Semester (approved Feb. 24, 2010)
Academic Calendar 2011-2012 (approved Sept. 9, 2009)
Proposal to adopt Add-Drop Language for General Announcements (approved Jan. 14, 2009)
New Language for the General Announcements regarding Attendance (approved March 12, 2008)
Amend published 2008-09 academic calendar (approved January 23, 2008)
Academic Calendar Proposal (Plan A adopted Jan. 23, 2008)
Final Exams Proposal (approved March 22, 2006)
Sponsored Events Proposal (approved March 22, 2006)
Proposal for a Master in Energy Transition and Sustainability (approved February 21, 2024)
Proposal to change the MBA Major Concentrations to Areas of Specialization (approved November 29, 2023)
Proposal to change the names of graduate programs in Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM) to Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research (approved September 27, 2023)
Proposal for a Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management and Leadership (approved September 27, 2023)
Proposal to add a Major Concentration in Operations Management to the Business Ph.D. (approved March 29, 2023)
Proposal to change the names of the graduate programs in Earth Sciences (ESCI) to Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences (EEPS)(approved November 30, 2022)
Proposal to add a Major Concentration in Organizational Behavior to the Business Ph.D. (approved October 26, 2022)
Proposal to change Master of Bioengineering Areas of Specialization to Major Concentrations (approved January 26, 2022)
Proposal to change name of Master's in Subsurface Geoscience (approved October 27, 2021)
Proposal for a Certificate in Dual Credit Teacher Credentialing - History (approved April 21, 2021)
Proposal for a Certificate in Dual Credit Teacher Credentialing - English (approved April 21, 2021)
Proposal for a Master's in Engineering Management and Leadership (approved April 21, 2021)
Proposal for changes to Master in Computational Science and Engineering (approved February 22, 2021)
Proposal for a Master of Data Science (approved January 27, 2021)
Proposal for a Master's of Industrial-Organizational Psychology Degree (approved January 27, 2021)
Proposal to change name of Master of Electrical Engineering to Master of Electrical and Computer Engineering (approved November 18, 2020)
Proposal to change name of Master of Arts in Global Affairs to Master of Global Affairs (approved October 28, 2020)
Proposal for a Major Concentration in Econometrics and Quantitatve Economics (approved October 28, 2020)
Proposal for Graduate Certificate in African and African American Studies (approved April 22, 2020)
Proposal for Business PhD Major Concentrations (approved April 22, 2020)
Proposal for a Professional Masters in Applied Chemical Sciences (approved March 25, 2020)
Proposal for Full Time Master of Liberal Studies and Diploma in Liberal Studies (approved January 29, 2020)
Proposal for Psychological Sciences Ph.D. concentration in Health Pyschology and Behavioral Medicine Research (approved November 20, 2019)
Proposal to change name of Present Future program - Master of Science in Architecture (approved November 20, 2019)
Proposal for a Master of Social Policy Evaluation (approved October 23, 2019)
Proposal to Update Academic Calendar Methodology (approved October 23, 2019)
Proposal for a Non-Thesis Master of Arts in Business (approved April 17, 2019)
Proposed Online Master in Computer Science (approved November 14, 2018)
Proposed Graduate Major Concentrations and CIP Codes, Department of Psychology (approved April 11, 2018)
Proposed Master of Human-Computer Interaction and Human Factors (approved March 21, 2018)
Proposed name change to the PSM program non-thesis Master of Science degree to Environmental Analysis (approved Feb. 21, 2018)
Proposed non-thesis Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (approved Feb. 21, 2018)
Proposed Online MBA Program from the Jones Graduate School of Business (approved Nov. 15, 2017)
Proposal for a Master of Arts in Religion (approved April 19, 2017)
Proposal for a Graduate Diploma in Liberal Studies from the Glasscock School of Continuing Studies (approved April 19, 2017)
Proposal for Graduate Major Concentrations in Economics and Finance (approved March 30, 2016)
Proposed name change from MS in Nanoscale Physics to MS in Nanoscale Science (approved March 30, 2016)
Proposal for a Dual Ph.D. in History with Instituto Mora (approved Feb. 24, 2016)
Proposal for a Graduate Certificate in Gnosticism, Esotericism, and Mysticism (approved Feb. 24, 2016)
Proposal for a Graduate Certificate in the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality (approved March 25, 2015)
Proposal for a Professional Master of Energy Economics (approved Dec. 3, 2014)
Proposal for a Certificate in Teaching and Learning (approved Nov. 12, 2014)
Proposal for a Materials Science and NanoEngineering (Professional Master's Degree Program) (approved April 23, 2014)
Proposed Bioscience and Health Policy (MSBHP) name change (approved April 23, 2014)
Proposal for a Non-Thesis Master of Arts in Religious Studies (approved Feb. 26, 2014)
Proposal for a Master of Arts in Global Affairs (approved Feb. 26, 2014)
Proposal for a Master of Arts in Accounting (approved January 29, 2014)
Proposal for a Non-thesis Master of Arts in Art History (approved October 16, 2013)
Proposal for a Dual Ph.D. in History between Rice University and Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil (approved Nov. 14, 2012)
Proposal for a Graduate Program in Systems,Synthetic, and Physical Biology (approved September 12, 2012)
Proposal for a Professional Science Masters Track in Space Studies (approved March 28, 2012)
Proposal for a Non-thesis Master of Arts option in Philosophy (approved March 28, 2012)
Proposal for a Post-Masters Artist Diploma in Music (approved March 28, 2012)
Motions to establish a Program in Writing and Communication (approved November 30, 2011) See: Working Group Report and Recommendations, dated November 28, 2011
Proposal for a Bioscience and Health Policy track in the Professional Science Master's Program (March 30, 2011)
Proposal for a Ph.D. in Sociology (April 21, 2010)
Proposal for Candidacy Master of Arts in Business (Jan. 27, 2010)
Ratification of Summer Recess Action of Executive Committee regarding Jones School Ph.D. (Sept. 9, 2009)
Proposal for Graduate Degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering (April 15, 2009)
Proposal for a Ph.D. in Art History (April 23, 2008)
Proposal for a Ph.D. in Management from the Jones School (Sept. 26, 2007)
Summer 2024, Fall 2024, Winter 2025, and Spring 2025 Quadmester Calendars (for online MBA program) (approved August 23, 2023)
Fall 2025, Spring 2026, and Summer 2026 Academic Calendars (approved August 23, 2023)
Proposal to make Election Day 2024 a non-instructional Civic Engagement Day (approved February 1, 2023)
Summer 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024, and Spring 2024 Quadmester Calendars (for MBA@Rice degree program)
Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025 Academic Calendars
Revisions to Graduate Honor Council Policies and Procedures (approved August 24, 2022)
Update to Spring 2024 Academic Calendar (solar eclipse day) (approved December 1, 2021)
2023-2024 Academic Calendar (approved September 1, 2021, see updated Spring calendar on registrar's page)
Online MBA Quad-Term 2022-2023 Calendar (approved September 1, 2021)
Academic Accommodations for Spring 2021 (approved January 27, 2021)
Academic Accommodations for Fall 2020 (approved November 18, 2020)
Guidelines for Graduate Certificates (approved April 22, 2020)
Additional Academic Relief for Spring 2020 (approved April 22, 2020)
Graduation Accommodations due to Spring 2020 Course Disruptions (approved March 25, 2020)
Academic Relief for Spring 2020 (approved March 25, 2020)
Online MBA Quad-Term 2020-2021 calendar (approved August 28, 2019)
Audit Designation Deadline (approved November 14, 2018)
Online MBA Quad-Term 2019-2020 calendar
Digital Education report and addendum (approved April 19, 2017)
Three motions regarding degree conferrals: add August conferral date, add December plenary, deans endorse lists (approved November 16, 2016)
Revised Graduate Honor Council Policies and Procedures (approved Feb. 24, 2016)
Guidelines for Graduate Major Concentrations (approved Feb. 24, 2016)
Report from the Working Group on the Graduate Honor Council (endorsed Feb. 25, 2015)
Honor Council and Graduate Students (approved April 23, 2014)
Elimination of Graduate Programs; Procedure and Best Practices (approved May 10, 2013)
Written Annual Assessment of Work per General Announcements (approved March 20, 2013)
Resolution regarding edX (approved January 30, 2013)
Resolution regarding the creation of online degree programs (approved December 5, 2012)
Creating Graduate Dual-Degree and Joint-Degree Programs at Rice University (approved September 12, 2012)
Creating and Changing Graduate Programs (adopted March 31, 2010, amended March 2012)
Change in Graduation Date of Record (Jan. 27, 2010)
Requirement for a Mental Health Statement on Syllabi (approved September 28, 2022)
Endorsement of Recommendation from Academic Advising Working Group (approved April 21, 2021)
Procedures for Faculty Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (approved by the Faculty Senate, January 30, 2019)
Procedures for Appointments for Teaching Professor Ranks (approved April 7, 2017, corrected September 2017)
Report and recommendations from the Working Group on Surveys for Dean Reviews (approved September 7, 2016)
Resolution regarding opt out feature of Senate Bill 11(approved Nov. 18, 2015)
Report and recommendations from the Working Group on New Courses and Faculty Oversight (approved Nov. 18, 2015)
University Policy on Credit Hours (approved by the Senate Nov. 18, 2015)
Report from the Working Group on the Faculty Ombuds (endorsed Feb. 25, 2015)
Revisions to "Faculty Statement on Consensual, Amorous Relations with Students" (approved Dec. 3, 2014)
Recommendations from the Task Force on Non-Tenure Track Faculty (approved Oct. 1, 2014)
Revisions to "Review of Deans"document (approved October 1, 2014)
Motions from the Working Group on Grade Inflation (approved March 26, 2014)
Revision to Section B9 of "Guidelines for Faculty Appointment, Promotion, Tenure and Renewal of Contacts" (approved February 20, 2013)
Revised "Organization and Election of Promotion and Tenure Committee" (approved February 20, 2013)
Revision to Procedures for University Policy 216 (approved February 20, 2013)
Creation of new University Committee to advise the Office of Faculty Development (approved December 5, 2012)
Faculty members are required to archive syllabi on Esther, beginning in Spring 2013 (approved Oct. 3, 2012)
Recognition of Conflict of Interest Policy 216 and related Procedures document (approved September 12, 2012)
Recommended Revisions to Section 8 of University Policy 201 (approved April 18, 2012)
Open Access Policy (approved April 18, 2012)
Revised "Procedures for Investigating Accusations Against Faculty Members, Including Severe Sanctions" (approved April 4, 2012)
Motion to accept revised Research Misconduct Policy and Procedures (approved Feb. 22, 2012) See also: Policy 324 and Procedures documents
Syllabus Standards Policy (approved January 25, 2012)
Endorsement of the report from the Working Group on Retirement Planning and to recommend its implementation (January 25, 2012)
Faculty Senate Rules for Appeals and Grievances (September 28, 2011)
Faculty Senate oversight of the General Announcements (April 20, 2011)
Policy on Research Data Management (approved April 20, 2011, effective July 1, 2011)
Faculty Merger Review Committee (resolution adopted April 23, 2009)
Rice Faculty Statement on Consensual, Amorous Relations with Students (adopted April 15, 2009; effective Sept. 1, 2009)
Policy Protocol on Access to Faculty Electronic Data (May 1, 2008)
Dean Review Policy (May 1, 2008)
Resolution on the Promotion and Tenure Committee (December 6, 2006)
Revised motion for Electronic Voting in the Faculty Senate (Approved April 19, 2017)
Amendments to the Senate Constitution, Section 2 and Section 5 (Approved January 25, 2017)
Amendment to Senate Bylaws, Section 6.2, to reflect end of University Council (Approved March 26, 2014)
Amendment to Senate Bylaws, Section 6.1, regarding the Executive Committee (Approved March 20, 2013)
Move "Organization and Election of Promotion and Tenure Committee" to Faculty Senate Bylaws, Section 9 (Approved Feb. 20, 2013)
Amend Senate Bylaws Section 5.5 (approved April 18, 2012)
Amend the Senate Constitution to increase number of NTT-Teaching to three (approved as amended, March 28, 2012)
Amend the Senate Constitution, Section 2, on eligibility to vote for and hold Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Teaching seat (approved February 22, 2012)
Revise Bylaws regarding Convenor of Appeal, Grievance, and Hearing Panel (approved Sept. 28, 2011)
Senate seat distribution (approved Feb. 23, 2011)
Quorum in Senate meetings (approved Feb. 23, 2011)
Prescribe the rotation of the Senate seat shared by the professional schools (approved Jan. 19, 2011)
Increase the number of Senate seats by two (approved Jan. 19, 2011)
Transform three Assistant Professor seats into general seats (approved Jan. 19, 2011)
Clarify the voting threshold for Constitutional amendments (approved Jan. 19, 2011)
Allow two Senators from a department (approved Dec. 8, 2010)
Amend the Bylaws on role of Parliamentarian (approved Oct. 6, 2010)
Limit the number of Senators required on working groups(approved Sept. 15, 2010)
Amend Meeting Rules regarding Secret Ballot (adopted Jan. 14, 2009)
Adopt Approval Voting Method (adopted December 6, 2006)
Proposal to host a Practical Civics Workshop (approved November 20, 2024)
Resolution on Free Speech, Academic Freedom, and Tenure (approved April 20, 2022)
Proposed 4-term Academic Calendar (approved March 21, 2018)
Recommendations from the Working Group on the Two Week Spring Break (endorsed March 25, 2015)
Motions to establish the Senate Athletics Representative on RUAC and to join the COIA (approved Feb. 26, 2014)
Resolution of the Senate regarding the Library (approved February 26, 2014)
Resolution of the Senate regarding Chair of Board of Trustees James Crownover(approved February 20, 2013)
Creating, Administering, and Eliminating Majors and Minors, April 2018 (replaced with Requirements for the Creation, Modification, Oversight, and Elimination of Credentialed Undergraduate Academic Programs at Rice University on April 21, 2021)
Distribution Credit: Academic Planning for Distribution Requirements (updated in April 2017 with Distribution Approved Motions)
New Major Concentration Guidelines(replaced with Requirements for the Creation, Modification, Oversight, and Elimination of Credentialed Undergraduate Academic Programs at Rice University on April 21, 2021)
Sponsored Events Proposal (Updated in April 2019, with Scheduling and Absences for University Sponsored Events)
Undergraduate Certificate Guidelines, April 2018 (replaced with Requirements for the Creation, Modification, Oversight, and Elimination of Credentialed Undergraduate Academic Programs at Rice University on April 21, 2021)